(by Drs. Amdjad Al Hafidh, BSc., M.Pd)

“Majelis Khidmah Al Asmaa-ul Husna”

New Edition
Thirty Eighth Printing, 2010
www.majelis-asmaa com

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“ …………………………………. “
Oh my God. Bestow God’s mercy and greeting forever on the Best of My Love for the entire creature.
“ …………………………………. “
It is Love that always expects the blessing.
For every difficulty of the difficulties that come.
“ …………………………………. “
My Lord by Al Musthofa (Prophet Muhammad), convey what we mean.
And forgive us the sins of the past, Oh the One who was His immense generosity

Allah SWT said in the Qur’an:
“ …………………………………. “
It means: Allah sends His sholawat on the Prophet and also His angels (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe. Send your Salat on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad as) and you should greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting. (QS. AI Ahzaab : 56).

Great Prophet Muhammad:SAW said:
“ …………………………………. “
It means: "Whoever reads sholawat to me from my ummah one time, then it is written for him ten good things and removed from him ten evils'
“ …………………………………. “

It means: "Verily, the most important men to me are those who read sholawat most ".
“ …………………………………. “

It means: "Whoever faces difficulty in achieving what they wish, then read more sholawat”
“ …………………………………. “

And there are more peculiarities of reading sholawat.
Based on the above description of the AI-Quran and Al Hadith verses, it is necessary to understand that by reading sholawat you will have a lot of great peculiarities, but it would be clearly felt on the judgment day, because there is a special command in the Al Qur’an to read the prayer of Al Asmaa-ul Husna first and after that followed by the other prayer.One thing to remember is that reading the Al Asmaa-ul Husna should be preceded by reading the sholawat and it is ended up / closed with the same sholawat.

*) This Hadith is taken from the book of Dalilul Khoirat


- Board of Trustee .................................................................
- Contents ...................................... ...............................................
- Direction of Hajat Prayer, explanation of cover page ..................
- Foreword .....................................................................................
- History of Mujahadah AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa ...............................
- Two Main Duties of Human Beings ............................................
- Action-Step Formula ...................................................................
- Preparation for the faithful servant of god...................................
- Introduction ................................................................................

1. Definition, function, purpose, features, results …........................
2. The number of readings, position, Level of readers................
3. Reading Instructions ...................................................................
4. Note,.Whom this book is for .......................................................
5. Warranty of Prayer’s fulfilment ....................................................
- Naqli Argumentation.............................................................
- Aqli Argumentation...............................................................
6. Principles ....................................................................................
7. Adab Mujahadah (culture of war against deviation from the true principle of religion)
8. Mujahadah and its Muqaddimah ................................................
A. Salvation Prayer ............ ............................................... ....
B. Nazhom AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa ..............................................
C. Prior readings of an action....................................................
D. Directive Prayer to the right path ..........................................
E. Sûrah of Development ..........................................................
F. Verse of Safety ......................... .. ........................................
G. Sûrah of problems eliminator ...............................................
H. Shalawat An Nariyah (Shalawat for development) ...............
9. Prayers of the AI Asmaa-ul Husna .............................................
10. Hizib asmaa .......................................,........................................
11. Stages for prayier’s fulfilment ....................................................
12. Translation of the AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa ......................................
13. The Secret number of reading ...................................... .............
14. The way to interprete the Asmaa ..............................................
15. Prayer with water, prayer for pregnant women, devotional visit to the grave, appeals.................................................................
16. Life history of the author ............................................................
17. Family Tree ……….....................................................................
18. Bibliography …..........................................................................
19. Addresses of congregation ........................................................ ii




When we are praying: The first pillar is the intention. The second one is takbir (opening of prayer ) . The intention is located within Takbir. So when we pronounce Takbir, our concentration is focused on what we wish.

The following is the wishing prayer intention:

The above blank space is filled up with what we are going to wish. It can be done with Arabic or Indonesian or Javanese language or another language, please just use any language, Allah SWT is omniscient.

Then, slowly we reciteTakbir. In this Takbir, concentrate our heart in the sholat and imagine what we are going to wish. When we read to oneself, it will say:

I intend to do a wishing prayer (say what you wish) …............ Lillahi ta’ala.
It means that the above sentence is pronounced when we are reading Usholli before praying.

Readings after Sûrah Al-Fatiha is the sunnah laws, and we are free to choose such as any Sûrah and verses of the Quran and when the time is limited it all can be abandoned.

For those who have something to do with prayer, then after reciting Sûrah Al-Fatiha in the first rokaat read one verse of Sûrah Al-Baqoroh paragraph 186.

For the second Rokaat, please recite read a verse from Sûrah Al-Baqoroh paragraph 152. Each is preceded by reading Basmalah (Bismillahirrokhmaanirrokhiim)

Please feel free to do that every night routinely all time, forever, free time, free to request anything that God bless.


Cover Pictures
Front Cover: Describing the scope of ashma that cover all aspects of human life and natural blessing
Back cover: Mekkah’s Great Mosque describes the strong and sturdy soul of religion (faith).

All praises and thanks be to Allah who always gives infinite amount of pleasures to His servant.
All mercy from God may remain to Rosulullah, his family, his companions and his followers that continue forever without stopping all the time.
The book entitled 'Peculiaruty and Role of the AI Asmaa-ul-Husna in the Modern Age' has been finnaly completed on Friday, May 17, 1992 for the first publishing.
This book is available to anyone who wants to make closer to Allah SWT and intends to always mention Allah SWT (dhikr) each day. So that God will also continue to remember His servants with mercy, taufiq and his guidance and always give protection to His servants who always do the dhikr, finally achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter forever.
Asmaa-ul Husnaa is suitable for anyone, both men of rank, people, the rich and the poor, pious, ignorant, common, chos (special) people who diligently worship and those who still are lazy to worship, holy person or a multitude of sins etc.. Allah will bestow His blessing to anyone who would call Him.
For anyone who has had this book, please maintaiin and put it in a good place because there are Asma Allah and Asmaa-ul Husnaa written inside.
Furthermore, greetings to those who have done the dhikr and had the habits of reading the Asmaa-ul Husnaa, let us all enter into heaven along with the full joyous blessing from Allah SWT. Therefore, please invite children, grandchildren. relatives, friends and the next generation to exult together with us in the blessing of Allah subhanahu wa ta'aalaa.
Special thanks goes to the scholars, intellectuals, the companion who had participated to complete this book, hopefully get a a lot of reward. Amen

This mujahadah was initiated firstly by the author who lived in the village since his childhood, full with poverty and suffering in his economic life.. When he was a child, he went to school while helping his parents who run a small business in repairing motor cycles. My parents’ earnings was far from enough. He actually was eager to go to college, but he did not have enough money to pay his way through college, so he became sad, anxiety, stress and despair and felt disappointed why he live in the world

Then he conducted a study of prayers to find out the most efficacious one. Various kinds of prayers were tried, some hizibs were also recited, nothing shows the expected results. Fortunately in 1971, there was one who supported me to to college. Firstly, I attended classes in Jogyakarta and then moved to Semarang, but the condition was the same as it was.

It was on January 1990, he tried to read the Al-Asmaa-ul Husnaa day and night without any count, at home or on trips. After 6 months until June 1990, his feeling of anxiousness, sadness, stress and desperation were disappeared. Joyfulness appeared and he was so steady and very enthusiastic about facing a bright future Then the idea to invite his neighbors to hold a congregation (jama'a) arose. The first person invited in this congregation was Mr. Rifa'i of JI. Bledak 15, Perumnas Tlogosari. The congregation was held in the Mosque of Haudlul Jannah located at Bledak Park. The first congregation was attended by 25 participants. It took on Saturday evening and last till 10.00 p.m.. That continued until now and has spread to parts of the archipelago. In this case the AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa was read 7 times.
On the night of Muharrom 1, 1421 H (Hijriah / Islamic calendar), a congregation of Malangsari, located at the village of Tlogosari Kulon which tried to recite a total number of 99 times, this was created Mr. Nahrowi and it took about 2 hours. This kind of congrgation was agreed to be held on every Sunday night, the third week. After having last about 5 months, it emerged a sense of longing to hold the similar congregation without waiting until the next month. Then, this similar mujahadah was held in the second week at Al Kautsar Mosque located at Gusti Putri Park. The feeling of love and longing were always kept and furthermore this congregation was held each week. Further, the reading of the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa was increased from originally only 7 times to 33 times.
Due to the fact that members of congregation got so many pleasures, then it was agreed to hold tasyakuran (a special prayer for happiness and prosperity) by reading as much as 999 times, which was held on Saturday of March 31, 2001 or Muharrom 6, 1422 H, and last from after Asr Prayer until the dawn hours (Subuh) of Sunday. Love of the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa continues until now and hopefully the congregation of the Al Asmaa-ul Husna will also exist everywhere forever.

Amen - amen Ya Robbal 'aalamin

Sûrah AI 'Alaq verses 1 to 5 contains two major commands, when they are executed by Muslims, it is sure that the development of religion and technology will develop.

“ …………………………………. “
It means: Read in the Name of your Lord who has created all that exist. Who has
created man from a clot or a piece of thick coagulated blood.

Ismi is the name. When we are asked to read the names, it means that this is a command to call Allah’s names. Reading ismi robbik means calling God's names consisted of 99 beautiful names, that is the AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa.
Thus, the first main task is to read the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa in every day. You may organize by yourself, when and how many times they will be read.

“ …………………………………. “
It means: Read and your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught the writing
by the pen. He has taught man that which he kne not.

In this second Iqro’, God gave people knowledge by using qolam / pen / stationery. It means that human must be creative to create stationery and with the stationery human will increase their knowledge in all fields. The stationery ranging from qolam, pens, typewriters, printing machines, calculating machines, computers and the Internet. The result of writing will be scientific books.
So this second command of iqro’ will generate technological advances. This advance of the technology is what is meant by the modern age.
So the title of the this book “Peculiarity and Role of the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa in Modern Age” will mean that by always reading the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa, Allah will give:
1. A closeness to Him, worship will increase, survive the afterlife.
2. A power to shape the modern age or at least a capability to follow the progress of the age with advanced technology.

After having got a command to recite the names of the Lord and commanded to read all that exist, then they were written to become scientific writings, the promise of the Lord to teach knowledge to human being, from initially not knowing to knowing (Sûrah Al-‘Alaq verses1 - 5), then this should be sought and executed well, so human will get stronger faith and a lot of science.

Then Allah says in Sûrah Al Fatihah verse 5 as an action formula which reads as follows:
“ …………………………………. “
It means: To You alone we worship, and to You alone we ask for help.

All formulations are very clear and sure where we worship (na'budu) and then we continue it by asking for help (nasta'in). Those two statements are stated in one verse (ayat). This shows that the two are inseparable.
The formula to read: Na'budu is accompanied by nasta'in

Worship Accompanied by Prayers

According to the Sûrah Al Fatihah verse 5, all kinds of religious service or worship such as prayers, fasting, zakat, hajj, reading the Qur'an, and others, must be accompanied by prayers. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah commanded His servants to read the Al-Asmaa-ul Husnaa of Sûrah in Al A'rof: 180.

The worship as a pillar of religion is a prayer. Therefore, after having done a prayer, it must be followed by reading the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa.

“ …………………………………. “
It means: And march forth in the way which leads to forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious (QS. Ali Imron : 133).
“ …………………………………. “
Ibn Mas'ud reported: The Messenger of Allah (May Peace Be Upon Him) said: I know the last of the inhabitants of Fire to be taken out there from, and the last of the inhabitants of Paradise to enter it. A man will come out of the Fire crawling. Then Allah, the Blessed and Exalted will say to him: Go and enter Paradise. So he would come to it and it would appear to him as if it were full. He would go back and say: O my Lord! I found it full. Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, would say to him: Go and enter Paradise. He would come and perceive as if it were full. He would return and say: O my Lord! I found it full. Allah would say to him: Go and enter Paradise, for there is for you the like of the world and ten times like it, or for you is ten times the like of this world. He (the narrator) said. He (that man) would say: Art Thou making a fun of me? or Art Thou laughing at me. though Thou art the King? He (the narrator) said: I saw the Messenger of Allah laugh till his front teeth were visible. And it was said: That would be the lowest rank among the inhabitants of Paradise. (HR. Buchori Muslim).

The Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa is written in the Al-Qur'an i.e.:

1. Sûrah Thoha verse 8: s the news on the existing of the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa:
“ …………………………………. “
He is Allah. La ilahla illa Huwa (None has the right to be worshipped but He). To Him belong Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa (the Best Names).

2. Sûrah Al Hasyr verse 24: the news that whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah.
“ …………………………………. “
He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

3. Sûrah Al Isro’ verse110: It explains to people that Allah SWT has the Al-Asmaa-ul Husnaa to read when they are praying
“ …………………………………. “
Say: Invoke Allah or invoke the Most Gracious (Allah), by whatever name you invoke Him, for to Him belong Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa (the Best Names).

4. Sûrah Al A'rof verse 180 (see following pages)
It is clear already, that when people are praying, they instructed to recite the Al-Asmaa-ul Husnaa,

(Allah’s Beautiful Names)
The Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa is the beautiful names of Allah SWT

2. FUNCTION: As a means to pray
Al Asmaa -ul Husnaa are names of Allah as instructed to be read in the prayer. In accordance with His commandment in Sûrah AI A'rof verse 180:
“ …………………………………. “
“And all the Most Beatiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them” (QS. All A'rof : 180).

To make you closer to Allah SWT

This prayer is effective and efficient due to the fact that it is easy to read, short and complete, comprehensive, involving the affairs of the world and the hereafter, and obtain a guarantee of heaven. Words of the Prophet SAW.

“Surely Allah has ninety-nine names, and whoever knows them by heart (recites them everyday), will enter Paradise”. (Sunan Timirmidzi juz 5 page 193 No. Hadits 3575).

With the permission of Allah SWT you will:
a. Have eace and steady in mind.
b. Get the feeling of faith that grows stronger, followed by pious deeds
c. Receive more passionate life, be more motivated to build the world and looking for provisions hereafter.
d. Lost a sense of restless, difficulties, stress and despair
e. Have better better morals toward akhlakul karimah (noble)
f. Be beloved by Allah SWT, experts and specialists of earth and sky
g. Have higher enthusiasm for learning, and the nature of laziness will disappear.
And still much, much more.

At least the Al Asmaa-ul Husna is read once in a day and night. It is suggested to read it once before beginning to study, before praying. It would be better if it is read once or more after doing obligatory prayers. Hopefully, you will get higher degree. It would be better if you hold a Mujahadah once in a week --- reading the Al Asmaa-ul Husna in congregation more than once, for example 7 times, 11 times, 21 times, according to the real condition at that time where the more the quiker to achieve what you want ---- in relation with a personal wish to achieve something or in relation with the anniversary of Great Islamic days

The Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa is the core of prayers
Basmalah is the prayer before doing an action.
Al Fatihah is a global prayer and steering prayer
Qur'an is the development and expansion of prayer
Sholawat is a lubricant of prayer
Istighfar, Tasbih, Tahmid, Takbir, and Hauqolah (wa laa laa quwwata haula billah illallah) is a muqoddimah/preamble of prayer.
Asmaa al-ul Husnaa is a direct prayer
Qur'an is in general a Waseelah prayer.

If readers are still in common level, they will soon enter to the level of special readers If the readers are those who have been in the level of special ones, then they will be called more specific readers, i.e. those who have been accomplished the level of muqorrobin, muhibbin, muttqin, those who have been categorized as sabiqun bi al-khairat, with their maqom is Waasy-Syukuri” said Imam Ghozali and this is well known by the term of Wali. They are categorized as Auliya (the lovers of Allah).

A. When the mujahadah is conducted the form of congregation, then the Al Asmaa-ul Husna should be read completely from the moqodimah / preamble , followed by the Al Asmaa-ul Husna,as the central prayer, basmalah, fatihah parts of the Al-Qur’an verses / Sûrahs, shalawat of nariyah etc. After that, it is closed with big prayers.

Before the mujahadah is started, it is necessary to read 3 times additional Al-fatihah to the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Prophets, Companions, Aulia, Scholars, etc.

B. For day to day recital, it not necessarily to recite completely, it can be done by just reciting the Asmaa, started by a shalawat prayer only once and close with the same shalawat once, especially after the obligatory prayers they should be recited 1 time or more, and say what your wish is.

When reading the Asmaa more than one time, it should be better the asmaa is interspersed with shalawat one time.

C. If you want to take some of Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa, it should be read first the entire 99 names, and then you may take a part of them.

D. If at a certain place/location there has been a congregation (jama’ah) of yasin / tahlil, nariyah, waqi'ah and others then it is greatly expected to recite the Asmaa Al Husna once or 3 times or more based on agreement of congregation for complete result of the prayer that cover all the needs of the world and the hereafter, in addition to what the wish at that time.

E. Although at a certain time you are busy or other causes make you difficult to have an opportunity to pray various kinds of prayers, the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa must be read and may not be abandoned, so the relationship between the servant and God Almighty will not be broken and God's grace and His protection continue flowing during the life of the world to the Hereafter, for yourself and the neighborhood.
10. NOTE
a. For women, eventhough they are in menstrual condition, they still permitted to recite them. The ones that are prohibited to recite are reciting while holding the Al Qur’an, doing sholat/prayers, thowaf, fasting, silence in the mosque and having sexual intercourse..
b. Reading Al-Asmaa-ul Husnaa means calling Allah SWT by mentioning His Names.
c. For those who are still learning, for the time being they may read on its Latin words.
d. For readers who do not understang the meaning of each of Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa, their prayers will still be accepted and remain granted because God has claimed to have these names and we may call Him, then what we wish will come by themselves according to the will of God that fits with the meaning of each of His asthma.

a. Children in preparation for the formation of their inner strength in facing the modern era.
b. Adolescents with the hope that they always be successful because of the abundant.help of Allah SWT.
c. Adults who view the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa an absolute necessity to succeed in their job as caliphs in the earth.
d. Parents who are ready to be deprived at any time of life, they have to be always ready with dhikr, and this is a golden opportunity to pray for children and grandchildren, descendants and future generations, prayers for parents and their advice that are always awaited by them.

a. Theorem Naqli
Al-Mu’min verse 60:
And your Lord said: “Invoke Me and ask Me, I will respond to your invocation”
“ …………………………………. “
Al-Baqarah verse 152:
Therefore remember Me by praying, glorifying, I will remember you, and be grateful to Me for My countless favors on you and never be ungrateful to Me.
“ …………………………………. “
Al-Ankabut verse 69:
As for those who strive hard in Us, We will surely guide them to Our Paths ….
“ …………………………………. “
Al-Ro’du verse 28:
Verily, the superiority of Dhikr Allah (in the remembrance of Allah) do hearts find satisfaction.
“ …………………………………. “
Al-Baqarah verse 186:
And when My slaves ask you then (answer them) that I am indeed near. I respond to the invocatious of the supplicant when he calls on Me ….

b. Theorem ‘Aqli
By always doing dhikr (referring to Allah as well as Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa) aims to draw closer to Allah. Will Allah receive a servant that full of mud and sin?

He replied: Allah will surely accept me and give me a place closer to Him.
For when Allah refused me, to whom else will I get closer? There is nowhere else that means a dead end. Because besides Allah it means a creature. The creature is weak, no power and any strength except God's help. So that if God does not accept the servant will be perished. God does not want to destroy His servants, except those who want destruction

So ,Allah will surely accept it!

By reading/reciting the AI-ul Asmaa Husnaa, it is meant to appeal to God. Does God will grant the prayer of His servant?
He replied: Allah will surely grant your pray.
If things don’t work out the way a servant wants, it means that there is a total loss for the servant of all time. As a weak servant he will get help to anyone else besides Allah have no power and strength, can not be held any kecual! God and the limited permit. So that if God did not grant, crushed slave, because there is no place to ask again unless God
Allah will not want His servat to be destructed.
So Allah will surely grant the prayer of His servant!
BELIEVE IN ALLAH ........... !

Allah SWT will not torment His servant. Word of Almighty Allah in Sûrah Al Mukmin verse 31 :
“ …………………………………. “
It means: And Allah wills no injustice for His slaves.

It is reconfirmed in a Sûrah AI Anfal verse 51:
“ …………………………………. “
It means: And verily, Allah is unjust to His slaves

And based on both verses, it is clear that His servants will no be tormented by Allah SWT.

Allah also said in Sûrah An Nisa verse 79
“ …………………………………. “
It means: Whatever of good reaches you, is from Allah, but whatever of evil befalls you, is from yourself ….

Therefore, when a slave had felt anxious, sad, stress, hopelessness, etc. it means that it is his mistake to find the inner and outer causes.
Try to find physical causes that that can be reasonably identified through senses, and then try to overcome them. Other causes may come from the mind, have we called the 99 Names of God 99 (AI Asmaa ul ¬ Husnaa)? ........

14. ADAB MUJAHADAH (culture of war against deviation from the true principle of religion) in congregation

a. Chusyu is pleading to God in emotional way, full of adab (taadub) fixation and trying to remember the meaning of the reading.
b. Keeping the voice of dhikr so as not to disturb others.
c. Reading in unison, don’t be ahead of or left behind in reading.
d. Maintaining cleanliness and purity of his self. fixation and clothing.
e. If the place is available it should be better to hold firstly a two roka'at of wishing prayer and the mujahadah has to face in the direction of Mecca.
f. Firmly believe in Allah SWT and think somehing good (khusnudz dzon) to Allah SWT
g. Sit back legs without straightening the legs unless you are very tired or sick

If my brothers/sisters had read the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa with large quantity of reading, started immediately after the obligatory prayers for as much as 3 times or more, so that within a day there will be 15 times or more, it means that there will be an increasing number of Allah’s blessing to His servant who has done a great dhikr . God willing, our life will be more prosperous and after involving in the world of dhikr at any time, so don’t be distressed.
“ …………………………………. “
It means: Be not sad or afraid, surely Allah is with us. (At-Taubah 40)

Etymologically, Mujahadah means doing something seriously. In this case, the term is meant to combat lust. The way to do it, is by doing dhikr or remember to Allah from the deepest of the heart, and call on Him by showing good attitude and enhance worship.

Complete Reading / Reciting of Mujahadah
For the opening, it is necessary to recite the Al Fatihah 3 times to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his family, and his companions etc. in order to link our spirits with theirs so that there will be a spiritual relationship which is expected to rise from the grave together with them and as a bond of (Waseelah) prayer to God for the application to be granted faster. Continued by prolegomena prayers covering Istighfar, Tasbih, Tahmid, Takbir and Hauqolah (La Khaula Walaa Quwwata illa Bilaah).
“ …………………………………. “
O Allah, convey this fatichah reading .
1. To Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his family. his wives, his descendants, his companions, the Prophets, the messenger and all the angels and the followers of the Prophet until the Day of Judgement.
“ …………………………………. “
2. And to all the experts of the Qur’an, hadith scholars, jurists, scholars of Sufism and to the King of saints sheikh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani and the trustees on the east earth to the west and the martyrs and shalichin.
“ …………………………………. “
3. And to the spirits of our parents, our grandfathers and grandmothers and teachers from the original source and its branches and experts of our families, our children, our descendants, our brothers, our jama'a (congregation), our students and people who have a relationship with us and the muslims and muslimat, believers (mukminin) - believing women (mukminat) who are still living and who died.

I ask apologize of Allah the Exalted
For me myself, both my parents and those who have relationship with me, my teachers, my family, my children and my descendants, and the muslims and muslimat who are still living and who died.

“ …………………………………. “
Most holy God, praise be to Allah, there is no God except Allah, Allah is Great.
“ …………………………………. “

There is no power and no strength except the help of Allah the Highest and Exalted.
“ …………………………………. “
O Allah, grant mercy to the Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions and grant him blessed and safety.

“ …………………………………. “
I seek refuge in Allah the All-Hearing and All-Knowing, from the temptations of Satan the accursed.
I seek refuge with perfect sentences of God's from whatever crime God has made.
In the Name of Allah, there will not be a danger of what is on earth and not be any danger of that is in heaven, Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

“ …………………………………. “
In the Name of God we start (reading), Praise be to Allah, the Grace and Salvation for our beloved Prophet.

O Allah, our Lord!
We are looking Your blessing You are our destination
In our world and the hereafter

By the Asmaa-UI Husnaa
And the sins of both our parents

Forgive us our sins
And our descendants

Blot out our evil
Correct our defficiencies

And close our defects
Bring up our degrees

And add us usefull sciences
The lawful and good

And the extensive prosperity
Pious and charitable

And brighten our hearts
And make our bodies healthy
Then make us to goodness
Close to God is our hope
And ease our affairs
During our lives
And put away our ugliness
Finally we obtain enjoyment

Convey our wishes
Praise be to our God
And fulfill what we needs
Which has shown to us

May God give grace and
And his family and comapanions

That becomes an Ar-Rachman companion (lover)
Until the end of the time

“ …………………………………. “

It means: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Sûrah AI-Fatikhah (The Opening)
(the 7 repeatedly recited verses)
“ …………………………………. “
It means:
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful (1). All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists) (2). The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (3). The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense (4). To You alone we worship, and to You alone we ask for help (5). Guide us to the Staright Way (6). The Way of those on whom You have besowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray (7).

Sûrah AI Insyirah (The Expansion)
(the 3 repeatedly recited verses)
“ …………………………………. “
It means:
In the name of Allah The Benficent, The Merciful
Have We not expanded for you your breast? (1); And remove from you your burden (2); Which weigh heavily upon your back (3); And exalted for you your esteem (4); So, verily with every difficulty there is relief (5); Verily with your difficulty there is relief (6); So, when you are free still toil / labor hard (7); And to your Lord turn all of your attention (8)

(the 3 repeatedly recited verses)
“ …………………………………. “
It means :
Allah! Laa ilaaha illaa huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al khayyul qayyuum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists). Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His Creatures) in this world, and what will happen to the in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preservering them. And He is the the Highest, the Supreme
(This Al-Baqarah verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursi)

Surât Al Fiil (The Elephant)
(the 3 repeatedly recited verses)
“ …………………………………. “
It means:
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Have you not seen how your Lord dealth with the owners of the Elephants?(1)Did He not make their plot go astray? (2). And He sent againts them birds, in flocks. (3). Striking them with stones of Sijjiil (baked clay). (4). And He made the like stalks of which the corn has been eaten up by caterpillar(5)

(Sholawat of Development)
(the 3 repeatedly recited verses)
“ …………………………………. “
It means:
O Allah! Bestow complete blessings and perfect peace on Sayyidina Muhammad and for his sake may all our difficulties be removed, all calamities and agonies prevented; all needs fulfilled; all our cherished desires obtained; and a felicitous end to earthly life attained (with Imaan); and (give us) rain-showering clouds through the generous countenance of the Prophet, and (bestow blessings and peace as well) on his family and companions in every moment and every breath, as many times as is in Your Knowledge (that is unlimited blessings).

It is read after completing Mujahadah recital, either individually or together with jama'a / congregation
“ …………………………………. “
The prayer is completed.
It would be better to be added with the Yasin and Tahlil recital.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1. Praise be to Allah the Lord of Nature. In accordance with the pleasure and praise be to cause to get an extra enjoyment O our Lord, for Thy praise that in harmony with Thy glory and greatness of thy kingdom. O Allah, grant blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad, who became leader of the ancients and the later and the family, wives, descendants, friends, and his followers who follow in good ways until the Day of Resurrection, and all his brothers from the Prophets, Messengers and all the angels.

2. Yes indeed we beg You with Your beautiful names good that we know and do not know. We pray Thee with Your beautiful names for your self that we know and do not know. And we beg Thee by Thy Asma written around the Throne, and written in about kursiyy. And we beg Thee by Thy Asma written on the forehead of the angels. And we beg Thy with asma when we are called to pray, you must grant, if asked, would you give, and we ask You by Your Asma Prophet Adam has been called to prayer, the Prophet Idris, the Prophet Noah and all the Prophets, may you give mercy to the Prophet Muhammad, his family and his comapnions and above them all.

3. Forgive us our sins, our parents, our teachers, our families, our children, our descendants, our students, our jama'a, Muslims and Muslimat.

4. Brighten our hearts and their hearts with the light of science, of the guidance and wisdom. And grant us and those with extensive lawful Rizki, good, pious and charitable, scientific benefits, longevity and Khusnul Chotimah blessing. And make us and those, including people who are skilled in dhikr, expert thinkers, the Qur’an expert, heaven experts and among those sabiqun bil chairat (always a good race and the prioritization) And fulfill our wish to ........ (optional) And protect us as well as those from the evil of jinn, humans, syaithan and from whatever evil has evil and the evil of beasts. And also protect us from diseases of Tho'un Balak (plague), and from defamations, from heavy debt and the dangers of the world and the hereafter. O Allah help us and those who are the unbelievers (3 times). And safe us and those who are tyranical / cruel. O Allah help people who help the religion, and humble those who humbles Islam, destroy the enemies of religion, and raise the word of God till the Day of Judgement

5. Our Lord, bestowed to us, our wives and our offspring as our mind entertainers hearts (we), and made us priests to the people who are pious.

Our Lord. Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You, Truly, You are the Bestower.

Our Lord, give us good in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and save us from the torment of fire”.

6. O Allah, do not let us in this majlis. There will be no sin unless You give mercy, and no one else distress but You relieve, and no feature / handicapped unless You cover, and there is no difficulty unless You have made it easy and not easy unless You are told, and no error unless you show , and no other wish which You bless unless You give / grant it. O the Blessed One who was the Most-Loving and the Most -fulfilling of prayers and the Most Beloved from the Beloved.

May God give grace to keep the Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions and blessing and safety. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe.

Hizib is a collection of prayers.
Hizib Asmaa is the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa added by other prayers, which consists of:
1. Defense prayers
2. The Asmaa-ul AI Husnaa
3. Prayers for requesting any kind of wishes
4. Prayers for the welfare of offsprings
5. Prayers for the happiness in the world and hereafter

The essence of the hizib is the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa or the Allah’s ninety-nine Names. While others are comprehensiveness, covering all aspects of life globally. Hizib is suggested to be recited after the obligatory prayers at least once. If this Hizib is considered too long to recite then you may read only the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa. The way to recite the Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa can be done naturally or by reciting / nadzhom
The Hizib will be more effective if it is read after Tahajjud Prayer (Excellence of Standing in Prayer at Night)

“ ………………………………….
It means:
O Allah, grant mercy to the Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions and grant him blessing and safety.

1. I seek refuge in Allah the All-Hearing and the All-Knowing from temptation of the damned syaithan. I seek refuge with perfect sentences of God’s from whatever crime God has made. In the name of Allah, there will not be a danger of what is on earth and not be any danger of that is in heaven, Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

2. In the Name of Allah, the Most gracious, the Most Merciful. There is no God except Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ... ... (see page 36). Sublime to the Almighty God by His Highest

3. God makes sufficient. Our Lord Almighty the All-Sifficient We intend to the All-sufficient, we find the All-sufficient, it appears to each what we need is all-sufficient, it is adequate to fulfill what we need. The best of the All-sufficient, O Blessed One who was always sufficient. God is sufficient to us, and God who entrusted His best, do Your best to become the employer and the very best help.

4. Oh our Lord, bless us, our spouses and our children and our grandchildren, our descendants as our entertainers and make us priests to people who are devoted

5. Oo our Lord, give us Hasanah (happiness) in the world and the Hasanah in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of hell. And may Allah give mercy, blessing, and prosperity to our master Muhammad, along with his family and his companions. Praise be to Allah the Lord of the nature.

It comes to the end of reading the hizib Asmaa and when it is considered less a lot in it, please add with your own prayer or pray with anything good that comes from the Al Quran, Hadith and diplomas AI scholars.

1. Obtaining peace and tranquility of the soul (AI Qur'an Sûrah Ar Ro'du verse 28).
2. Allah SWT began arranging for the achievement of any intent regarding religious and world affairs.
3. Madzmumah properties (reprehensible) will gradually disappear one by one
4. Makhmudah properties (laudable) will emerge gradually, one by one.
5. Feeling of steadiness arises, the more convinced that Allah is the Most -Fulfilling Nature of prayer, the more feeling of true love emerges to Allah SWT, after that the feeling that Allah is the Most Loving and Most Merciful to his servants follows.
6. Allah will love His servants and give His blessing in the world and the hereafter.
7. Being a lover of Allah SWT with signs and attitudes. cerebration, properties, and feelings are all belong to Allah. Commandment of Allah, Sûrah Yunus verse 62:

It means: “No doubt, verily, the Auliya of Allah, and love Allah much, no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve.

So they belong to the group of muttaqin, muhibbin, moqorrobin. On the Day of Resurrection they will be collected by the Ambiya, Mursalin, Auliya, Ulama, Martyrs and Sholihin

Allah is the intended God, the Glory of the deficiencies, and the Most Perfect with all the attributes of greatness, glory and perfection.
1. AR RAKHMAAN = The Beneficent
2. AR RAKHIIM = The Merciful
3. AL MALIKU = The Souvereign Lord
4. AL QUDDUSU = The Holy
5. AS SALAAMU = The Source of Peace
6. AL MU'MINU = The Quardian of Faith
7. AL MUHAIMINU = The Protector
8. Al 'AZIIZU = The Mighty
9. AL JABBAAR = The Compeller
10. AL. MUTAKABBIRU = The Majestic
11. AI CHAALIQU = The Creator
12. AL BAARI-U = The Evolver
13. AL MUSHAWWIRU = The Fashioner
14. AL GHAFFAAR = The Forgiver
15. AL. QOHHAAR = The Subdue
16. AL WAHHABU = The Bestover
17. AR RAZZAAQ = The Provider
18. AL FATTAAKHU = The Opner
19. AL 'AILIMU = The All Knowing
20. AL QAABUDLU = The Constrictor
21. AL BAASITHU = The Expender
22. AL CHAAFIDLU = The Abaser
23. AR RAAFI'U = The Exalter
24. AL MU'IZZU = The Honorer
25. AL MUDZILLU = The Dishonorer
26. AS SAMII'U = The All Hearing
27. AL BASHIIRU = The All Seeing
28. AL KHAKAMU = The Judge
29. AL 'ADLU = The Just
30. AL LATHIIFU = The Subtle One
31. AL CHABIIRU = The Aware
32. AL KHALIIMU = The Forbearing One
33. AL 'ADHIIMU = The Great One
34. AL GHAFUURU = The All-Forgiving
35. ASY SYAKUUR = The Appreciative
36. AL 'ALIYYU = The Highest
37. AL KABIIRU = The Greatest
38. AL HAFIDHU = The Preserver
39. AL MUQIITU = The Maintainer
40. AL KHASIIBU = The Most Reckoner
41. AL JALIILU = The Sublime One
42. AL KARIIMU = The Generous One
43. AR ROQIIBU = The Watchfull
44. AL MUJIIBU = The Responsive
45. AL WAASI'U = The All-Embracing
46. AL KHAKIIMU = The Wise
47. AL WADUUDU = The Loving
48. AL MAJIIDU = The Most Glorious One
49. AL BAA'ITSU = The Resurrector
50. ASY SYAHIIDU = The Witness
51. AL KHAQQU = The Truth
52. AL WAKIILU = The Trustee
53. AL QAWIYYU = The Strongest
54. AL MATTINU = The Firm One
55. AL WALIYYU = The Protecting Friend
56. AL KHAMIIDU = The Praiseworthy
57. AL MUKHSHII = The Reckoner
58. AL MUBDI-U = The Originator
59. AL MU'IIDU = The Restorer
60. AL MUKHYII = The Giver of Life
61. AL MUMIITU = The Creator of Death
62. AL KHAYYU = The Alive
63. AL QAYYUUMU = The Self-Subtisting
64. AL WAAJIDU = The Finder
65. AL MAAJIDU = The Noble
66. AL WAAKHIDU = The Unique
67. AL AKHADU = The One
68. ASH SHAMADU = The Eternal
69. AL QAADIRU = The Able
70. AL MUQTADIRU = The Powerful
71. AL MUQDDIMU = The Expediter
72. AL MUACHCHIRU = The Delayer
73. AL AWWALU = The First
74. AL AACHlRU = The Last
75. ADH DHAAHIRU = The Manifest
76. AL BAATHINU = The Hidden
77. AL WAALY = The Governor
78. AL MUTA'AALY = The Most Exalted
79. AL BARRU = The Source of All Goodness
80. AT TAWWABU = The Acceptor of Repentance
81. AL MUNTAQIMU = The Avenger
82. AL 'AFUWWU = The Pardoner
83. AR RA-UUFU = The Compassionate
84. MAALIKUL MULKI = The Eternal Owner of Souvereignty
85. DZUL JALAALI WAL IKRAAM = The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
86. AL MUQSITU = The Equitable
87. AL JAAMI’U = The Gatherer
88. AL GHANIYYU = The Self-Sufficient
89. AL MUGHNII = The Enricher
90. AL MAANI’U = The Preventer
91. ADH DHAARRU = The Distresser
92. AN NAAFI’U = The Propitious
93. AN NUURU = The Light
94. AL HADII = The Guide
95. AL BADII’U = The Incomparable
96. AL BAAQII = The Everlasting
97. AK WAARITSU = The Supreme Inheritor
98. AR RASYIIDU = The Guide to The Right Path
99. ASH SHABUURU = The Patient
“ …………………………………. “
The Highest, Which does not have any child(ren) and not being born and none that matched Him
The original number of reading is actually not limited because in the Al Our’an, Allah ordered us to do a lot of Dhikr at all times and circumstances. But for people in general who never do dhikr it seems impossible to do it, so it needs such an exercise that make people not to get bored so. In accordance with the hadeeth of the Messenger, the best way to do the beloved charity of God is done routinely, although it is only a slight part.
For that reason, a number of reading is usually done on the basis such as follows:
1. The number is determined by Prophet, such as Tasbih is read 33 times, Tahmid 33 time, Takbir 33 times, Hauqalah 1 time immediately after completing shalat 33 times, takhmid 33 times, 33 times Takbir, and Hauqalah 1 time after completing obligatory shalat.
2. Diploma of scholars / ulama
3. Done in an even numbers, for example: 100, 200, 1000 etc..
4. a. Associated with something, for example 3 times is an odd least number, it can be done 7 times with the reason of God has a lot of things with total number of 7 such as 7 skies, 7 days, etc.; it can also be done 19 time with the reason that the word Of Bismillah consisted of 19 letters, the number of the Hell Keeper is 19 etc. and it may also be conducted 313 times based on the number of messengers, etc.
b. Associated with Hijaiyyah letter that is Abjadun - Hawazun ... .. etc..

Example of the Asmaa:
“ …………………………………. “
Then there are the scholars who gave the fatwa to read Asma Al Latithif 129 times each ... ..
Back to the origin of the command which should be a lot of dhikr, when you are not able to do that you may do based on your selves, the more you read the quicke ryou close to Allah, and the more the reward and the results you get.

First thing first, we must apologize to Allah SWT, the weakness of man, because there may not be able to interpret asthma 'with the truth. Because the asma’ is God Almighty. That is why, it is expected to give the broadest possible interpretation, covering inner and outer world of the hereafter for each of their respective Asma

Examples are as follows:
ARROZZAAQ: Allah is the giver of Rizqi. In this case God would give Rizki in the form of things:
 physically, by providing a sustainable Rizqi
 Spiritually, by gaining composure and resignation in the case Rizqi in humans.
 Worldly, safe, peaceful, prosperous in terms of Rizqi
 In the Hereafter, sins will be forgiven for getting a halal Rizqi can leaving the bastard one.

If it is desired, after reading the asthma is over you may slowly blow in water and drink the water or wipe it on what is necessary, suppose someone is ill, you may say ‘may God give healthy’, as if they're well you may say Allah blessed you.

If there is a pregnant mother, her mother and her father are expected to read a YA MUSHOWWIRU pray for 100 times during her pregnancy, and request to Allah the Fashioner with the hope that who are in the womb was formed with the best of both inner and outer Spiritual and Physical (see Sûrah of Ali Imran verse 6). Do not forget to do sholawat of Prophet once before and after it

When doing a devotional visit to the grave you are expected to recite the Mujahadah Asma beside Sûrah Yasin / tahlil, may Allah grant the prayer faster.

1. Nazhom Asma is very well when read between adzan and chanting together for praise while waiting jama'a and at the same time it becomes a prayer.

2. To teachers of Guidance & Counseling, if there are children who need guidance because of poor conduct or other causes. Before giving guidance, students are asked to read the AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa once or more times according to the circumstances of students, so that it becomes a direct soul drug from Allah SWT and afterwards the advice can be given by the teacher.

3. Before the lesson begins it is expected to teachers of schools / madrasas and recital teachers anywhere to invite students to read nadzom ashma together as a prayer so that the ideals of the students will be fruitful, always get help and protection from Allah SWT .
4. It is requested to disseminate AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa anywhere, based on the following Hadith:
“ …………………………………. “
It means:
From Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased upon him). He said: Prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: “He who took to the road directions (guidance), then he got a reward equal to reward to those who follow him no less a bit of their reward. Whoever took the road of astray then for him the sin as sin of those who follow him no less a bit from their sins.
(H.R. Muslim, Malik, Abu Dawud dan Tarmudzi)

5. AI Asmaa-ul Husnaa is a general diploma, so whoever knows, please immediately practice and for those who do not know please ask who knows.

6. It is expected to add a 2 rak'ah prayer of wish or more each night with free readings.

7. To the Hajj / Umroh congegration it is expected to augment reading of Al Asmaa-ul Husnaa in Makkah and Madinah, pray what becomes his business and when there is opportunity, it would be better to have Mujahadah in entourage there.

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The Al Asmaa-ul Husna are special names because the owner of those names is the Creator of the Universe. When they are recited we shall have a feeling of peace, we shall have all kinds of assistance which relate to the world and the hereafter. When they are recited every day, with the permission of Allah SWT, they will form a strong body and spirit, ready to face the modern era, the development of beings who are persistent, graduating as a caliph in the earth in performing their tasks related to the world and religion. Happiness door is opened as wide as possible.


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